Saturday, June 28, 2014


We went to Randolph because some friends told us about the Independence Day parade and celebration there. Since we are fans of parades, cars, and candy, we thought it would be a perfect afternoon activity.

This is a little town with a fascinating history. At one point, it was situated in a different location, but the citizens there were forced to move when the Tuttle Creek Reservoir was built in 1960.

To get to Randolph from Olsburg, we crossed the Randolph bridge across Tuttle Creek Lake, which was at one point the longest bridge in Kansas. It is a beautiful drive -- definitely worth the trip if you're ever in the neighborhood.

After walking around for a while to see the various vendors and activities, we got a prime spot on a corner. As you can see, the candy-collecting was pretty successful. We also enjoyed the many floats, trucks, and classic cars in the parade.

It had been a long day, so we were pretty tired by the end of the parade. We loaded up and headed to Manhattan for dinner with my folks.

Since I grew up in Riley County, I was pleasantly surprised to see so many great new sights in the area. I guess sometimes you don't notice the treasures right under your nose. New perspectives can help a lot with that problem.

Total Miles Today: 181.2

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